Which Slots Do My Ram Go In

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I recently upgraded the RAM in my computer. It contained two cards in slots 1 and 3 (Or 2 and 4 depending from which side you count). This left me with two slots to add more RAM. One slot was between the two occupied ones and one on the end. I put a new 8 g card in the end or open slot as it was easier to do than putting it between the two cards that were already in there. Computer was been acting weird lately and I wonder if the new card should have gone in between the two cards that came with the computer.
The computer is a HP Pavilion 500-054 Desktop
The Memory card was recommended by Crucial
RAM Slots on a PC. If you have a PC, you will find the RAM slots on your motherboard near the CPU. There will be two, three, or four slots where you could install RAM. If there are four slots on the motherboard, the pairs will be color-coded to indicate which slots go together for installing RAM. If you plan to use all four slots on the motherboard, make sure you are using the same type of RAM for all the slots to get the best performance out of your computer. The potental issue is if 16GB is not enough. It is impossible to tell when that day will come. So buying a 2 slot Motherboard now may be saving you money now. If 16 GB is not enough then you need to get new memory completely. With 4 slots, just buy more memory if needed. When I buy parts for my PC, the biggest concern for me is keeping my. Empty RAM slots. Open the Task Manager and go to the Performance tab. Select ‘Memory’ and under the memory graph, look for the Slots used field. It will tell you how many of the total slots are currently in use. In the screenshot below, the system has a total of 2 slots, and one of them is in use.
Which Slots Do My Ram Go In The World
Insert the RAM into the RAM slot. Line up the notch in the stick of RAM to the break in the slot. Set the stick into the slot and then apply equal pressure onto the stick until the clamps on the side click and lock the RAM in. You may have to apply a fair amount of pressure, but never force it in. I recently upgraded the RAM in my computer. It contained two cards in slots 1 and 3 (Or 2 and 4 depending from which side you count). This left me with two slots to add more RAM. One slot was between the two occupied ones and one on the end. I put a new 8 g card in the end or open slot as it was easier to do than putting it between the two.