Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada
The history of online poker in Nevada truly is an outgrowth of other legal gaming that has been a major part of the Nevada scene for decades. Action by the Nevada Legislature and Governor During the 2012 legislative session, The Nevada legislature passed a bill, that was signed into law by the Governor, that permitted online poker in Nevada. Nevada Legal Online Gambling 2020. Nevada's legal online gambling scene is closely represented by its domestic online betting and poker platform, however, the state has yet to legalize state-regulated online casino gambling. Nonetheless, Nevada has a vast variety of local domestic gaming options based on land which we will cover in this guide. The first online poker room to open up in Nevada was Ultimate Poker. The company was a subsidiary of the Station Casinos group. However, it has since ceased operations. In the meantime, two other online poker sites began operating in the state.
- Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada
- Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada 2019
- Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada Online
- What Online Poker Sites Are Legal In Nevada
- Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada
Most poker players know Las Vegas as the holy land ofpoker. The host of the most prestigious poker event in the world, the WorldSeries of Poker, has made Las Vegas the number one destination for thosewanting to hit the tables in search of fame and fortune. Over the years, manyother major tournament events have been hosted in Las Vegas, but what aboutplaying online? Well, Nevada was one of the first states to legalize onlinepoker after the closure of most of the U.S.-facing sites on Black Friday. Thispage gives you an overview of what options exist for those looking to playonline poker in the desert.
Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada
Nevada is one of three states to offer legal US poker sites. While in Nevada, you can legally play online poker at WSOP NV which is regulated by the Nevada Gaming Commission and Nevada Gaming Control Board. You can also now play against New Jersey players if you’re in Nevada, as WSOP announced that it had combined player pools in 2018. Online poker is legal, but out of three poker rooms that were supposed to operate within the state, only WSOP Nevada managed to gain any traction with the fans. Social sites aside, WSOP accounts for pretty much all online poker traffic in the Silver State.
History of legal Online Poker in Nevada
With such a long history in the poker world, you wouldthink that Nevada casinos would be lining up to enter the digital age of thegame. However, one of the loudest voices from the Las Vegas Strip, SheldonAdelson, has been spending a ton of money in Washington lobbying against onlinegambling in general, and until recently his voice (and his wallet) was beingheard.
This all finally changed in the wake of the DoJ closing manyof the online poker sites operating in the early 2010s, effectively shuttingdown the industry. The state of Nevada took it upon itself to give itsresidents a legitimate option, and in early 2013 it passed a bill into law thatwould make online poker legal and regulated within the state.
However, there still wasn’t a rush to acquire licensesand launch sites. In fact, only one site came out of the gate quickly, calledUltimate Poker. It launched in April 2013, but despite being the first optionin the market, it couldn’t gain enough traction to stay alive and went out ofbusiness in November 2014.
When it comes to the regulations set out in Nevada, theywere pretty straight forward. The minimum age for playing at an online pokersite is 21, just as it is to play at a land-based poker table. The mostimportant part of the legislation that passed was a “bad actor” clause, whichprohibits offshore-based companies that were accepting Nevada players in thepast from applying for a license for 10 years. This means many of the sites andbrands that are most recognizable to poker players cannot attempt licensinguntil at least 2023.

Online Poker sites in Nevada
With the limited number of potential licensees as aresult of the strict legislation, it isn’t entirely surprising to see a small numberof online poker sites currently live in the Nevada market. Another factor thathas kept the numbers low is the population of the state itself. With only 3million residents, it would be hard for multiple sites to find the liquidity tokeep their tables open 24 hours a day. Here’s an overview of the options youhave in Nevada.
The World Series of Poker is one of the best-known namesin all the poker world. With thousands of players flocking to Las Vegas in Junefor the biggest poker festival in the world and smaller branded tours all overthe United States and around the world, the WSOP brand is synonymous with thebest play on the planet.

The company extended its brand into online poker in September 2013 and hasn’t looked back. With an interstate agreementin place that allows Nevada players the chance to play at the same tables withits sister site in New Jersey, has been able to create prize poolsthat are worthy of attention. Also, with the ability for those who are visitingNevada to create accounts and play online while in the state, the World Seriesof Poker has been able to extend their summer poker festival online. This year,3 official WSOP bracelets were awarded in online-only events.
Players looking for the most diverse online poker actionshould be choosing for their deposits and play.
Real Gaming
Another poker site, this one connected to the South PointHotel and Casino, opened its doors under the name Real Gaming. However, thissite has struggled to stay in business, and today barely has enough action tokeep cash games open throughout the day. For the most part, this is really onlyan option for those of you patient enough to hold out for tables to open.
Online Poker Tournaments in Nevada
Poker tournament fans in Nevada can take advantage ofseveral types of online tournaments being run in the state. The most excitingof these is likely the WSOP Bracelet events that are held during June eachyear. This is a chance to win a coveted poker championship without having tosit for hours in the Rio.
Other online poker tournaments are scattered throughoutthe week on these sites. There are tournaments that cost nothing to enter whichgive you a chance to win smaller prizes for free, and some that cost hundredsof dollars to enter that also give you a chance to qualify for smaller amountsvia a satellite event. You can also play satellite tournaments on thataward seats to the Main Event in Las Vegas, so you can get your seat at thebiggest tournament on the planet from your mobile device.
The majority of online poker tournaments available inNevada are No-Limit Hold’em tournaments, but there are some that take othergames like Omaha and Stud into consideration. Regardless, there is somethingfor everyone if you look at the tournament schedules of online poker sites.
Online Poker Cash Games in Nevada
Cash game players in Nevada who want to step away fromthe tables and play from the comfort of their hotel room can find a wide arrayof available games online. The most popular games are the $1/2 and $2/$5 No-LimitHold’em tables, which see a lot of activity all day and night. Some games runas low as pennies per hand for those who are trying to learn the game whilestill putting a little bit of real money on the line.
Payment Options in Nevada
One of the great side-effects of regulation in onlinepoker is that it re-opened a large number of potential deposit and withdrawalmethods for players. In Nevada, these are the options you will find for makinga deposit at an online poker site.

- Credit and Debit Cards – you can use yourcurrent credit cards to make deposits, although not all banks accept gamblingtransactions, so you will have to try yours to see if it is successful.
- PayPal – the eBay-owned payment method once tookmost of the online gambling payments in the United States, and is now back onthe scene for online poker players in Nevada.
- Neteller – an e-wallet solution that creates adigital card number for use at online poker sites.
- In-person – at select Caesars properties, youcan make a deposit at the cage for your account, and same with SouthPoint and your Real Gaming account.
Nevada Online Poker FAQ
Why aren’t there more legal online poker sites in Nevada?

The answer to this is pretty simple: Math. In order foran online poker site to be viable, there have to be enough players to generatethe tournament prize pools and the cash games needed to make the site activeall day and night. This type of liquidity is hard to come by especially in alandscape where sites are bound by the borders of their state. That is why eventhough there are so many land-based casinos in Nevada, there are only a handfulof choices when it comes to online poker sites.

Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada 2019
Can I play against friends on the East Coast from Nevada?
This depends on which site you choose to play with. A fewyears ago, an agreement was reached between the states that at that time hadlegalized online poker – Nevada, Delaware, and New Jersey – that would allowplayers from each state to be placed into one pool to generate more liquidity. Todate, there is only one site – – that allows for this sharedliquidity. If you are playing at this site and have friends who like to playonline poker from the other two, then you can find yourselves at the sametables.
Why do I still see ads for offshore poker sites sometimes?
When the Department of Justice seized the domains of themajor online poker sites that were accepting U.S. players in 2011, it was doingso based on some evidence it had received that these sites were breaking thelaw. The sites that remain active in the U.S. were not shut down either due totheir size or the fact that the government didn’t have the evidence to makecases stick against them. Despite being spared from the law in 2011, we stilldon’t recommend that you play with a site that isn’t licensed and regulated byyour state.
When will online poker be legal across the country?
Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada Online
There is no federal mandate to make online gambling legalacross America, as the states have the control of regulations in theirindividual locations. While it seemed like it would be years before onlinepoker would once again be legal for anyone living in the United States, therapid movement of sports betting legislation in the last 18 months is givinghope to poker fans that their game could be added into these bills as they maketheir way across the U.S.
What Online Poker Sites Are Legal In Nevada
Why can’t I access my account when I am traveling outside Nevada?
As part of individual state legislation on gaming, onlinepoker sites in Nevada must be geo-fenced to accessibility only within statelines. This means that anyone trying to access their account from outsideNevada (unless you are in Delaware or New Jersey and playing at won’t be able to log on and play.
Why can’t I play against players in legal jurisdictions around the world?
Legal Online Poker Sites In Nevada
This is an excellent question and one that has beenraised by the online poker sites that are licensed in Nevada that haveinternational player pools. The short answer is that the regulations were notwritten that way, but lobbying has begun to try to amend the rules. Hopefully,one day the players in Nevada will be able to access some of the larger prizepools and tournaments around the world.